Welcome to our orthodontic practice "Kieferorthopädie am Südring"
You are the center of our attention!
Who has the most beautiful smile?
Dental care at its best
Maxi will be happy to meet you!

Our Orthodontic Practice "Kieferorthopädie am Südring"


At our orthodontic practice in Düsseldorf-Bilk, we offer individual orthodontic treatments for children and teens as well as adults, with a special emphasis on the interaction of functionality and esthetics. We correct tooth and jaw misalignments in such a way that a healthy bite is created, which has a positive effect on the general well-being. Beautiful, straight teeth are a positive side effect of the treatments!
The design of our practice is modern and friendly, because we want you to feel comfortable with us! You are the center of our attention and you can rely on a detailed individual consultation without time pressure and in a relaxed atmosphere.


For this purpose we cooperate closely with colleagues from various disciplines. We are of the opinion that, in the case of cross-cutting topics, a specialist should always be involved in the orthodontic treatment in order to achieve a comprehensively optimal result.


As a holistically oriented orthodontic practice, we also support the medical approach that tooth positions have a significant influence on the entire body and that dental corrections can therefore contribute to an improvement in posture, speech, breathing and digestion – being in line with a holistic approach.


In addition to the classic methods of tooth correction such as removable or fixed appliances, we also work with almost invisible braces – so-called aligners. These are produced individually for you in a completely digital process. The transparent and thin plastic splints are regularly replaced in accordance with the progress of the treatment, which we carefully monitor.
Your practice for orthodontics in Düsseldorf-Bilk relies on innovative technology: we produce X-rays digitally – a method that is significantly less radiation-intensive and gentle compared to conventional methods. We use high-quality hypoallergenic materials as well as modern and proven treatment methods to achieve a beautiful and lasting treatment result.


The sustainability of our orthodontic treatment is very important so that our patients benefit from it in the long term. Therefore, we attach great importance to a safe and permanent stabilization after the actual treatment is completed. It is always a very nice moment when we successfully complete a treatment and thereby help a patient to achieve a confident and beautiful smile.
We are looking forward to welcoming you soon! Please feel free to arrange a first consultation appointment.
Dr. Mareike Gedigk and practice team
Kieferorthopädie am Südring in Düsseldorf

Our Range of
Services for you

Kieferorthopädie für Kinder und Jugendliche

for Kids and Teens

Orthodontic treatment of children and teenagers is favored by their jaw growth which is not completed at this age. This also greatly expands the range of treatment options.

Kieferorthopädie in Düsseldorf

for Adults

Beautiful and healthy teeth influence our charisma and self-confidence. Dental esthetics and chewing function are important for our well-being and health. Let us advise you in detail.

Overview of
our Services

Ganzheitliche Kieferorthopädie in Düsseldorf

Holistic Orthodontics

Everything is Related to Everything

At our orthodontic practice in Düsseldorf, we attach great importance to a holistic treatment approach. We do not only pay attention to your oral anatomy, but also include the whole body in diagnosis and treatment.


Invisible Orthodontic Appliances

Many patients wish to have their teeth corrected in a discreet and mostly invisible way. Transparent aligners are particularly suitable in this case as an alternative to conventional orthodontic appliances.

Unsichtbare Zahnspangen

Early Treatment

Children should be able to laugh without worries!

Children should be happy and be able to laugh without worries. The basis for a self-confident laugh and well-being with healthy teeth is laid at a young age.

High Quality
Attention to Detail,
Familiar Atmosphere

Our orthodontic treatments are subject to a very high quality standard in all treatment phases. We take our time for diagnostics and treatment planning and design them very carefully. Moreover, we use very high-quality materials for our treatment appliances. Each of our braces is an individually manufactured unique piece of high precision. We carry out orthodontic corrections evenly, gently and continuously; the same applies to aftercare. The treatment is therefore particularly gentle. For us, high quality standards and a familiar atmosphere are important prerequisites for a successful treatment – especially for our youngest patients.

Bewertung wird geladen...
Kieferorthopäden oder Zahnärzte mit Schwerpunkt
in Düsseldorf auf jameda
Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu Kieferorthopädie am Südring - Dr. Mareike Gedigk
Azubi Stelle

Wir suchen dich!

Du bist im Sommer mit der Schule fertig? Du kannst gut mit Menschen umgehen, magst die neueste Technik, willst etwas Sinnvolles tun und dich aktiv einbringen?

Dann bewirb dich bei uns für die Ausbildung zur Zahnmedizinischen Fachangestellten – ein Beruf mit Zukunft und Abwechslung.

Liebe Patienten und Patienteneltern,

unsere Praxis bleibt in den Weihnachtsferien vom Freitag, den 20.12.2024 12 Uhr, bis einschließlich Freitag, den 03.01.2025, urlaubsbedingt geschlossen.
Ab Montag, den 06.01.2025, sind wir wieder wie gewohnt für Sie da.

In dringenden Notfällen senden Sie bitte (zwischen den Feiertagen) eine E-Mail an info@kfo-suedring.de.

Wir wünschen allen eine gesunde, erholsame Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!

Dr. Mareike Gedigk und Team

Liebe Patientinnen und Patienten,

aus aktuellem Anlass möchten wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass unser Praxisbetrieb am Südring in Düsseldorf weitergeführt wird. Für alle notwendigen Anforderungen in organisatorischer sowie hygienischer Hinsicht haben wir Sorge getragen. Die Praxis verfügt nun über eine NEUARTIGE LÜFTUNGSANLAGE, die innerhalb von 45 Minuten die komplette Raumluft gegen gefilterte Frischluft austauscht.
Für Ihre und unsere Sicherheit!

Bleiben Sie gesund!

Dr. Mareike Gedigk und Team, Kieferorthopädie am Südring