Jaw Joint Treatment
Suitable Treatment for Jaw Joint Disorders
Jaw joint disorders are treated with appropriate orthodontic appliances, depending on the individual diagnosis.
CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction) describes jaw joint disorders which can have effects on other areas of the body up to orthopedic dysfunctions or, conversely, orthopedic disorders caused by misalignment of the head can have an effect on bite relation.
The chewing muscles are one of the strongest muscle groups in the body.
Unbalanced jaw movements and special chewing loads can lead to serious impairments of the head posture, the position of the cervical spine and a one-sided strain on the neck and spine in general. The consequences are painful persistent misalignments and tensions in the area of the jaw, shoulders, neck and back, even up to the hip and knees. Furthermore, the development of jaw joint pain, cracking of the jaw joints, headache, tinnitus and other discomforts can be triggered.
Interdisciplinary Approaches
Craniomandibular dysfunction ideally requires a holistic interdisciplinary collaboration with orthopedists, physiotherapists and osteopaths. Orthodontic treatment is carried out with bite splints to eliminate the incorrect loads. In many cases, treatment is continued in order to correct the malocclusion.