Functional Diagnostics


Healthy Jaw Joints Thanks to Orthodontics

Among other things, a good treatment result is equal to beautiful and straight teeth. Many patients attach particular importance to this outcome.

The functional diagnostics aims at an optimal functioning of the dentition, i.e. the avoidance (or treatment) of joint dysfunctions or discomforts and pain, a good bite with regard to dentition and chewing function, the position and mobility of the tongue and the surrounding chewing muscles. Moreover questions have to be answered concerning the development of speaking or breathing. We also take the susceptibility to infection of the throat and nose and in rare cases problems with hearing or ENT-related dizziness into account.

In the course of treatment, we primarily optimize dental function including the aspects mentioned above.

The special diagnostics required for this purpose are called functional diagnostics which is carried out before starting orthodontic treatment. In the course of the therapy, the functional diagnostics are repeated and the success of the treatment is continuously monitored in this way.

The advantage is that functional therapeutic aspects are not at odds with esthetic requirements. On the contrary, we usually achieve both in an excellent way.

Moreover, it is important to consider the individual movements of the temporomandibular joints, which always vary slightly from patient to patient. Furthermore, their exact positioning is also important. Here, too, the individual anatomical conditions of our patients play a decisive role.

The orthodontic treatment is aimed at the optimal functioning of the jaw joints with regard to their position, movements, muscular aspects as well as all any anomalies, such as locked bites (see below) or early contacts (see below).

In many cases, we work closely with orthopedists, ENT specialists, osteopaths and physiotherapists.


Locked Bite:

Dental occlusion in which lateral movements (excursions) of the lower jaw is restricted by the cusp arrangement of the teeth. Another way of chewing or biting is not possible in such cases.


This is an abbreviation for the medical discipline of ear, nose and throat medicine.

Early Contact:

If during the closing of the jaws, at a time when the closing process is not yet complete, there is already contact between individual teeth, this is called early contact.