Holistic Orthodontics


More Than Just a Tooth Correction

We attach great importance to a holistic approach in our treatments. We not only pay attention to the respective anatomical oral situation of each patient, but also have a look at the whole body, especially the musculoskeletal system, in diagnostics and treatment. If the anatomical conditions or the symptoms require further diagnostics, we involve specialists or therapists from other disciplines and thereby provide our patients with comprehensive medical care in all relevant disciplines in this case. In this way, we achieve optimal treatment results far beyond a purely orthodontic correction of tooth or jaw misalignments. Often, in this way, symptoms can also be cured or alleviated, which do not at all have their origin in the mouth-jaw area.

In both adults and children, we often find false posture that impairs jaw position. This can lead to headaches and tension up to craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD). In the course of functional diagnostics we will find out whether you or your child is affected.

Important factors to prevent such misalignments are good fitness and regular exercise.

The jaw joints are closely related to numerous other body regions – and vice versa. For example, a general misalignment has a negative influence on the jaw and tooth position. In addition, for orthodontic treatment, the jaw joints and muscles should work well together to facilitate tooth correction. That is why we work with experienced osteopaths, who make sure that false posture improves overall.

In some cases, jaw or tooth misalignment can have such a strong effect on tongue function and lip closure that it leads to speech disorders. Together with our logopedist, we ensure that orthodontic appliances do their part to correct these as early as possible.

Breathing and jaw position are very closely related. Thus, unhealthy mouth breathing, which children often get used to at a very early age, can affect the growth of the upper jaw in an unfavorable way. In these cases, the tongue does not press against the palate, as in the case of nasal breathing. The resulting jaw malposition in turn influences the entire posture. With various orthodontic appliances or in close cooperation with a speech therapist, we can get your child used to a healthy nasal breathing.